It’s no great newsflash that personalising communications has long been a priority for marketeers. But sometimes, it’s helpful to remember why – and what the options are.
In a world where we are bombarded with up to 10,000 marketing adverts every single day (Forbes), as marketeers one of our biggest challenges is creating relevance and thus engagement.
Personalisation is a powerful tool to help drive engagement and the likelihood that your target will actually have any interest in engaging with your content.
Lift your marketing results with personalisation!
1. Personalised calls to action convert 202% better than non-personalised ones.
Jeffrey Vocell of Hubspot analysed over 330,000 CTAs over a six-month period which resulted in this impressive statistic. His article has some other great information and tips like using a button-based CTA before an image-based one, and ensuring that any other page content is clear, educational and encourages action.
2. 97% of marketeers report a measurable lift in business results attributable to personalisation.
Evergage and Researchscape conduct annual surveys to better understand personalisation. They are always worth a read and their 2020 report produced this incredible endorsement of personalisation. Some more good news for marketers is that this success translates to internal support and investment – music to our ears!
3. 80% of customers are more likely to purchase products or services from brands that provide personalised experiences.
This research from Epsilon in 2018 wanted to help brands better understand how personalisation efforts can be used to enhance relationships with consumers and improve loyalty. They concluded that personalisation has a direct impact on a brand’s bottom line.
4. 72% of consumers say they only engage with personalised messaging.
SmarterHQ surveyed over 1,000 consumers about their preferences. The resulting White Paper is full of interesting statistics and learnings to help marketers to build consumer trust using personalisation. This also helpfully takes into account attitudes around GDPR and striking the balance between building a relationship based on your customer’s likes without creeping them out by knowing too much.
5. 33% of customers have abandoned a business relationship because personalisation was lacking.
A piece of global consumer research by Accenture uncovered this unfortunate reason for loss of business – read about this and other insights in their Put Your Trust in Hyper-Relevance report.
6. Ranking of the UK’s leading brands for customer experience showed that the best companies were the ones that were able to connect with people (“the pillar of personalisation”).
KPMG referenced the Six Pillars of branding in their report, concluding that personalisation is a key driver of customer experience strategy.
The potential of personalisation is limited only by your imagination! Time for your own lightbulb moment.
So, by now we’re all agreed that personalisation is an important part of business strategy. We spotted it ourselves at Revolution Viewing back in 2019 when we tested a mailing list (surprise! If you received an email with a link to this blog, you were probably one of our subjects). We sent non-personalised emails to our list for 11 months and in the 12th month we sent a personalised video. Click throughs for the email with the personalised video were 10 times higher than the previous emails we’d sent! So it’s definitely worth it. If you aren’t yet receiving these exciting emails from RV by the way, you’re very welcome to join the club.
Of course personalisation is great, but the content that follows that initial promise of something ‘for me’ must be rich and again relevant. Otherwise your impression CTR will only then lead to disappointing dwell times or conversion rates.
Have I reignited your fire for personalised content?
I hope so!
Excite your customers and improve marketing performance with our personalised video builder and personalised conversion videos.
Both ways to make sure you’re sending your audiences hyper-relevant, engaging and targeted content.