Vlogging is a great marketing tool: it’s good value; it’s authentic; and it’s an easy way to generate a lot of interesting and engaging content, quickly. Audiences tend not to notice the behind-the-scenes work that an organisation might have done to...
It’s no great newsflash that personalising communications has long been a priority for marketeers. But sometimes, it’s helpful to remember why – and what the options are. In a world where we are bombarded with up to 10,000 marketing adverts...
Why you need to be using 360° images in your marketing, why viewers like them so much and how to get a room ready to take one. If a picture says a thousand words, how much is a 360° image saying? Well to be honest: a lot more. Remember when Joey got inside the map in...
We recently commissioned another in-depth qualitative study with prospective university students and we’d like to share those insights with you… The main purpose of this primary research piece was to inform the design and build of Vepple. However, a...
UCLan has widening participation in its bones and was one of the first universities in the UK to invest in Vepple – the Revolution Viewing virtual experience platform. We know that students aren’t getting the support that they need from their parents, friends and...